We focus on what we do best
so you can achieve yours
We pride ourselves
on having the highest quality reports & services

Inventories & Condition reports are at the core of our business, our team have specialised in producing these reports since 2013 and have the most in-depth knowledge to assist you and your needs.

We now compliment our Inventory services with Fitness For Human Habitation Risk assessments and Installations ensuring the highest standards of safety and confidence.

Inventories- On the day and time of your booking we will collect keys, visit the property, notify you of any immediate issues or FFHH deficiencies. Once the pre check is complete we will compile one of our highly detailed easy to read condition reports with a minimum of 100 photos which are not produced via an app. Within 36 hours of our visit we will deliver your report and send via our paperless system to your Tenant every day for 10 days until it is opened by them or the cooling off period of 10 days has been reached, in which case the report is legally agreed to. 

Check-ins- Paired perfectly at a discounted price with our Inventory visits our Check-in service is a convenient and professional way of welcoming your tenant to their new home. When your tenant arrives they will be given a warm welcome by one of our lovely Clerks, they will be given the opportunity to take a look around, once satisfied the Clerk will make them aware of the Inventory and main cosmetic issues with the property, locations of important components such as mains water taps, gas shut off valves, heating programmers as well as testing smoke/CO alarms in their presence. Once satisfied and happy the keys will be handed over to them to begin their life in their new home.

Checkouts- We arrange a time to meet your Tenant at the property to suit yours and their needs, we promptly visit the property at the requested time and explain the Check-out process to the Tenant. Once we are confident the Tenant is happy we check the property comparing and contrasting the current condition to that stated on the Inventory, coupled with just as many images as on our Inventories you can rest assured nothing will be missed.

Mid-term Inspections- Can be very difficult and time consuming to arrange and carry out as an Agent or Landlord. As Independent property inspectors we can easily overcome this. Our reports are cost effective with any important maintenance issues stated and photographed and the opportunity to fix most common FFHH deficiencies on site.

What is FFHH? – It stands for Fitness For Human Habitation and is an amendment to the law which came in to act on the 20/03/2019. It is designed to ensure that all rented accommodation is fit for human habitation and to strengthen tenants’ means of redress against the minority of landlords who do not fulfil their legal obligations to keep their properties safe.

How can we help? – On every Check-out, Inventory and Mid-term property visit we undertake what we call a Pre-HHSRS check. This is where we look for the most severe Category 1 and 2 deficiencies within the property and highlight them to you on a Maintenance report. If we can resolve these deficiencies on our visit we will call you and ask if you want us to do so, which is the simplest and most cost effective way.

What falls under FFHH? – There are 29 HHSRS (Housing Health and Safety Rating System) hazard categories that come under the FFHH act they are: 

1 Damp and Mould Growth, 2 Excess Cold, 3 Excess Heat, 4 Asbestos (and manufactured mineral fibres), 5 Biocides, 6 Carbon Monoxide (CO) and fuel combustion products, 7 Lead, 8 Radiation, 9 Uncombusted Fuel Gas, 10 Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs), 11 Crowding and Space, 12 Entry by Intruders, 13 Lighting, 14 Noise, 15 Domestic Hygiene Pests and Refuse, 16 Food Safety, 17 Personal hygiene, sanitation and drainage, 18 Water Supply, 19 Falls associated with Baths, 20 Falling on Level Surfaces, 21 Falling on Stairs, 22 Falling Between Levels, 23 Electrical Hazards, 24 Fire, 25 Flames and Hot Surfaces, 26 Collisions, Cuts and Strains, 27 Explosions, 28 Position and Operability of Amenities, 29 Structural Collapse and Falling Elements.

What is the bottom line? – Ultimately court proceedings and possibly  tenant compensation as stated by gov.uk

 “If the courts find that a property is not fit for human habitation, then they may require one or both of the following: 

  • compulsory improvement to the condition of the property. 
  • compensation to the tenant

For more reading on FFHH please click here.

Our EPC’s are among the highest quality reports, we spend around 2 hours on site compared to most providers who spend 30 minutes. Our reports are honest and will give you true recommendations on how you can improve the energy efficiency of your property.

Virtual tours, especially in the real estate industry, were becoming increasingly popular even before the COVID-19 pandemic. The restrictions and lockdowns only accelerated that trend.

Existing Virtual tour packages are expensive, we at Ni can produce high quality Virtual tours at a cost even the rental market can afford.

This coupled with our ‎A2 CofC certified drone footage provides the highest end, most immersive property experience available to the online market. Contact matt.harris@niwip.norfolkinventories.co.uk to find out more.

Coming Soon
360 Virtual Tours
An immersive, cost effective experience for the modern age Lettings/Sales Agent.
Coming Spring 2021.
Aerial Photography
Show your property from every angle. Fully CAA Certified, professional aerial video & photography.
Coming Late Spring
the team
Behind every great service is a great team, we have one of the best.

Covering the whole of Norfolk we pride ourselves in not only giving the very best service experience but also our close working relationships with our clients. 

Although we all help each other as a team from time to time you will be served more so by one Clerk. Who is yours? 

Matt Harris

Norfolk central & west

Hayley Wilson


Gina Felgate

Do you have any questions? Maybe you want to register to use us? Get in touch.

The easiest way to contact us is by using the form below. If you prefer you can call us direct (Matt) on 07415875935, email Matt.harris@norfolkinventories.co.uk

Clerks providing Norfolk with the highest quality 
Inventory and property services

Since 2013


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Ⓒ 2021 - All Rights Are Reserved by matt harris at norfolk Inventories